Week 10 Lab: Writers Write

(Image Information: Writer's Desk, Public Domain ) For this assignment, I explored the Writer's Write website. The first interesting thing I stumbled across was Book Reviews , under Everything Literary. I love book reviews, so this was very exciting for me. I read a few different reviews just for fun. The ones I chose were Record of a Spaceborn Few , The Paper Lovers , and Death Cup . I picked these three to read about because the titles grabbed my interest. They all sound good and are now on my to-read list. Record of a Spaceborn Few sounds like a deep, futuristic sci-fi book. It is the third in the Wayfarers series. The Paper Lovers sounds like a wild story; it is about a man who is caught having an affair and becomes a religious fanatic, as told by his wife. Death Cup is a spooky detective fiction starring a woman named Storm. The next thing I looked at on the website was the Writing Prompts section, also under Everything Literary. The first writing prompt I read was ...