Reading Notes: Cupid and Psyche, Part B

Cupid and Psyche , by Tony Kline. A Translation of: Apuleius's Golden Ass. (Image Information, Cupid and Psyche, Wikipedia ) Plot Notes: Venus is angered and on the hunt for Psyche. Psyche goes to Juno and Ceres for help but they turn her away. Venus catches Psyche and tortures her and makes her complete four tasks. First, she must sort grains. Secondly, she must shear wool from sheep with golden fleeces. Thirdly, she must collect a vial of water from the River Styx. She completes all of these tasks with help from animals. Her final task is to go to the underworld and ask Proserpina for some of her beauty. She gets the jar of beauty and must return it to Venus but is tempted by curiosity and opens it. She falls into a deep sleep but Cupid rescues her. Cupid then goes to Jupiter and begs for help. Jupiter agrees and they have a wedding. Psyche becomes immortal and has a daughter. Other notes: Psyche is helped by ants, a g...