Hi everybody! Here is the link to my website! The Lovers of Apollo Thank you for all of the comments! Please let me know what I can do to improve my writing! (Image Information: Hyacinths , Wikipedia Commons)
(Image Information: Cat Selfie) My name is Ann Marie. Here are some facts about me: I am 19 and currently pursuing a dual degree in Linguistics and French at OU. I love books, and consider myself a crazy cat lady. I am passionate about women's rights and LGBTQ rights. I work as a server in a restaurant, and though my job is mentally taxing, it can also be fun. (Image Information: Books , 2010) Some of my favorite authors are J.K. Rowling (duh), Jane Austen, the Bronte Sisters, Cassandra Clare, and Rick Riordan. I've been especially into Rick Riordan lately! This summer, I decided to reread the Percy Jackson series. From there I could not stop. I have since read and reread every YA book he has out, and I am also following his Rick Riordan Presents imprint series, in which he reads and edits YA mythology books by other authors, and then adds them to the Rick Riordan Presents collection, allowing new or relatively unknown au...
(Image Information: Fox Face, Flickr ) (Image Information: Fox Close Up, Maxpixel ) Hello. My name is Alex and this is my story about fox power. It was nearly forty years ago. I was a young boy, about thirteen. My family lived out in the country in the middle of nowhere, Oklahoma. My mother had always loved animals, and she was constantly adopting them because she couldn't stand to see them hungry. We had sheep, pigs, cats, dogs, rabbits, goats...you name it, and we probably kept it as a pet. The one creature we'd never cared for was foxes. Back then, there weren't many foxes in our part of the woods. One day I'm out feeding and watering the animals, something I don't particularly like doing but have to do anyway. The pig has gone and knocked her water bin over, so I've gotta climb the fence to her pen and turn it over for her. I'm struggling in the mud, trying to right the dang thing. It's heavy, and my feet are slipping in the mud and ...
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