My Thoughts on Class Technology
As a young adult, I am supposed to know my way around a computer. However, I have always felt like I don't know enough. I am familiar with the most popular social media sites, I am good at finding things on Google or Youtube, and I know how to navigate my iPhone. Despite knowing these basic skills, I still feel like I am supposed to know more about computer technology and tools. Thus, I am excited to learn more about these things throughout this semester.
I found this lesson very helpful. I am excited to start using these different tools and sites. I've obviously heard of some of the sites before, like Google Docs, but the tools are unfamiliar to me. This semester I'd like to brush up on my technology skills in general, but there is not one particular tool I want to use. I think this class will be a great place for me to practice!

(Image Information: Woman typing, Pixabay.)
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