Bearskin, by The Grimm Brothers
This classic European story is about a poor soldier who has nothing in life after the war ends who must obey the commands of the devil in order to receive money. The devil tells the soldier he cannot bathe himself for seven years and must always wear the devil's coat but in return, he will always have gold and if he survives the seven years he will be forever rich and free to do as he pleases. He becomes so ugly from never washing that people think he is a monster but he is able to bribe people with gold for a place to sleep and eat. Once, he helps a poor family and in return is promised his choice of the daughters as a wife. Two out of three refuse to marry him because of his looks but the third doesn't mind because she knows he is a good person. He leaves and returns to her after the seven years have passed and they live happily ever after. The moral of the story is don't judge a person by their looks (but can you really blame them?)
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