Feedback Strategies
(Image Information: Feedback, Pixabay)
Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback
Why Do So Many Managers Avoid Giving Praise?
Try Feedforward wrote about a different way of providing helpful feedback in which people focus less on what they can do to improve from their mistakes and focus more on what they can start doing today to work towards their goal. The Feedforward focuses more on polishing up what people already have, rather than trying to figure out exactly what they are doing wrong and why. I think methods based on positive mindsets like this one are innovative and unique and they often produce positive results. I think I gained some good ideas from reading the article about how to approach giving and receiving feedback for the future.
Why Do Managers Avoid Giving Praise was an interesting read and pointed out that managers more commonly give out negative feedback than positive feedback. This is something I have noticed throughout my experience in the job industry. I have witnessed managers giving negative feedback much more often than I have witnessed them giving positive feedback. I have surprisingly never questioned why this is, perhaps just assuming that this is the way the world works, which is something the reading attributed to the reason why it happens. The article stated that a plausible cause for this endless negative feedback is that it is a cycle. Your boss's boss probably gives them mostly negative feedback, thus, your boss feels like they need to give you negative feedback. It is an endless cycle in which the benefits and importance of giving positive feedback are overlooked. The article made me think and from now on I will be more aware of positive vs negative feedback in the workplace.
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